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First product image of Strepsils Soothing Honey And Lemon Lozengers 24s

Strepsils Soothing Honey And Lemon Lozengers 24s

Rs. 720.00

Contains two antiseptic ingredients (2,4-Dichlorobenzyl alcohol and Amylmetacresol) for use in throat medications. To relieve the discomfort of sore throats. Fights bacterial throat infections and numbs pain in throat. Sucking the lozenge allows the ingredients to work directly in the area of pain or discomfort by lubricating and soothing the mouth and throat.

SKU   : SKU00116
Category   : General Healthy Needs

Quick facts

Therapeutic indications
For the symptomatic relief of mouth and throat infections.
Directions for Use
Use the lowest dose for the shortest duration necessary to relieve symptoms.
Adults: One lozenge every 2-3 hours up to a maximum of 12 lozenges in 24 hours.
Elderly: There is no need for dosage reduction in the elderly.
Children over 6 years old: As above for adults.
Children under 6 years old: Not suitable for children under 6 years. online pharmacy and island wide and worldwide shipping is available. – 24 hours open online pharmacy near your doorstep that you can purchase your prescription medicines by simply uploading or whatsapping your prescription to 077 5 667 667.
Volume NA
Brand Strepsils
Weight 50.00 G
Type Lozenge

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