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First product image of Swabha Ceylon Natural Brightening Body Lotion 100ml

Swabha Ceylon Natural Brightening Body Lotion 100ml

Rs. 325.00

Swabha Ceylon Natural Brightening Body Lotion is enriched with a blend of Ayurvedic herbal ingredients. “Licorice”, is an ingredient that helps to lighten the discoloration with anti-inflammatory effects that inhibit tyrosinase, a key enzyme that is responsible for making pigmentation. Another star ingredient “Karanda” aids in healing aging skin, and damaged, dry, and cracked skin.

SKU   : SKU01772
Category   : Skin care

Quick facts

Swabha Ceylon Natural Brightening Body Lotion is enriched with a blend of Ayurvedic herbal ingredients. “Licorice”, is an ingredient that helps to lighten the discoloration with anti-inflammatory effects that inhibit tyrosinase, a key enzyme that is responsible for making pigmentation. Another star ingredient “Karanda” aids in healing aging skin, and damaged, dry, and cracked skin.


  • Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera)
  • Azadirachta indicum (Neem)
  • Pongamia pinnata (Karanja)
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice)

  • Benefits

    Pongamia pinnata (Karanja)
    - Natural Sunprotective activity

    Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) - Reduces skin pigmentation
    - Enhances the glow of skin while healing the damaged skin by sunlight

    How to Use

    Apply smoothly onto the clean skin day and night over the entire body with gentle and circular motions. online pharmacy and island wide and worldwide shipping is available. – 24 hours open online pharmacy near your doorstep that you can purchase your prescription medicines by simply uploading or whatsapping your prescription to 077 5 667 667.

Volume 100 ML
Brand Swabha Ceylon
Weight 200.00 G
Type Cream

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