Your privacy

By using this website, you automatically accept that we use cookies. Read our website Privacy Policy.

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Privacy Policy

On this page, we outline how we manage your personal data.


MyPharma (Pvt.) Ltd, referred to as "MyPharma," "Us," "We," or "Our," is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our users in compliance with relevant data protection and privacy laws. This Privacy Policy pertains to all users ("Users") of, hereinafter referred to as "MyPharma," "Site," or "Website." We explain how we handle the personal data you provide or that we collect when you visit our Site. This Policy is updated from time to time, so please check back regularly.

Information Collection

We may collect and manage the following information to operate our Site:
  • Your Site usage details, such as pages visited and resources accessed. This may include traffic data, location data, and other communication data.
  • Information you voluntarily submit when registering or making a purchase.
  • Any information provided when contacting us in any manner.

Use of Cookies

Cookies help gather information about the device you use to access our Site. We may use cookies to gather general internet usage information. These cookies are downloaded and stored on your device. The statistical data collected does not identify you personally. If you wish, you can modify your device settings to decline cookies.

Use of your personal data

We use the collected information for various purposes, including:

  • Providing you with information on products or services you've requested.
  • Offering information on other products that might interest you, subject to your consent.
  • Informing you of changes to our website, services, or products.

Opt-out instructions for newsletters and promotions are included at the bottom of every SMS and Email.

Data Storage and Safety

Your data may need to be transferred to third parties for processing. By providing us your data, you consent to this. We strive to secure your data through reasonable measures. However, data transmission over the internet is not entirely secure, and you are responsible for transmitting such information.

Disclosure of Information

Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties unless legally required. Instances where disclosure is possible include:
  • In the event that our business is sold.
  • For enhancing fraud protection and reducing fraud risks.

Links to other websites

Our Site may include links to third-party websites. A link does not imply an endorsement of their privacy policies. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of such sites before providing personal information.