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First product image of Nutragen Regular Milk powder Vanilla 400g

Nutragen Regular Milk powder Vanilla 400g

Rs. 2,960.00 Rs. 2,664.00

Nutragen Regular is designed to be very low in fat, making it an appropriate nutritional supplement for children over the age of 12 and adults who feel weak, fatigued, and sluggish.

SKU   : SKU01513
Category   : Nutritional milk powders

Quick facts

Nutragen Regular is designed to be very low in fat, making it an ideal nutritional supplement for children over the age of 12 and adults who feel weak, tired, and lethargic. A glass of milk with this supplement can help you regain lost energy and revitalize your day so you can be more active!

Volume 400 G
Brand Nutragen
Weight 450.00 G
Type Powder

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