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First product image of Omron Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor (HEM-7120)

Omron Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor (HEM-7120)

Rs. 17,540.00 Rs. 15,786.00

The Omron HEM 7120 is a compact fully automatic blood pressure monitor operating on the oscillometric principle for precise measurements and accurate results. It measures your blood pressure and pulse rate with easy one touch operation.

SKU   : SKU01301
Category   : Cardiovascular instruments

Quick facts

Omron Blood Pressure HEM-7120 is designed to easily and quickly measure blood pressure and pulse rate. The HEM-7120 is a simple and fully automatic blood pressure monitor that uses the oscillometric principle to accurately measure your blood pressure and pulse rate. The advanced "IntelliSense" technology of the device allows for comfortable and controlled inflation without the need for pressure pre-setting or re-inflation.
Along with blood pressure monitoring this product detects irregular heartbeat. It is loaded with body movement indicator and blinks if your systolic or diastolic pressure is outside the standard range (above 135 systolic/85 diastolic mmHg)
Omron hem-7120 comes with 3 years warranty and lifetime support provided by omron. This digital blood pressure monitor is guaranteed to meet your standards
This product is mainly designed for general household use. Please read the Important safety Information in the instruction manual before using the unit. Hypertension Indicator

Volume 1 PC
Weight 1000.00 G
Type Device

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