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First product image of Moods Banana Flavoured Condoms 3s

Moods Banana Flavoured Condoms 3s

Rs. 308.00

Packed with the ripe flavour of bananas, these condoms will make an impact especially when she really looks for a pinch of taste and smell of a fruit.

SKU   : SKU00502
Category   : Family planning

Quick facts

What Are Condoms?
A condom is a thin, fitted tube worn over the penis during sex (male condoms) or inserted into the vagina before sex (female condoms). They create a barrier that keeps semen and other body fluids out of the vagina, rectum, or mouth. You might hear a condom called a rubber or the barrier method. But no matter what you call them, condoms have the same purpose. They prevent STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and pregnancy. And they’re a good birth control option because they're cheap, easy to get, and you don't have to plan ahead to use them.

Volume NA
Brand Moods
Weight 10.00 G
Type Device

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