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First product image of Rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl Alcohol) 50ml

Rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl Alcohol) 50ml

Rs. 120.00

Isopropyl alcohol is an antiseptic and disinfectant used in a variety of clinical

SKU   : SKU00443, SKU00444, SKU00445, SKU00446, SKU00447, SKU00448
Category   : Surgical applications

Quick facts

Rubbing alcohol is good for killing bacteria such as E. coli and staph. Rubbing alcohol can kill them within 10 seconds.
Rubbing alcohol, that is, 70% to 90% isopropyl alcohol, is commonly used for disinfecting germs and viruses in surgical settings. The CDC and FDA have determined rubbing alcohol to be safe and effective for operations on people’s skin.
It is a colourless liquid having disinfectant properties. It is used in the manufacture of acetone and its derivatives and as a solvent. Topically, it is used as an antiseptic.
Rubbing alcohol can effectively disinfect objects such as thermometers and other shared objects that are known to attract bacteria. You can also use rubbing alcohol to sterilize door handles and other surfaces.
Rubbing alcohol has been approved by the CDC to kill the COVID-19 virus. An alcohol-based hand sanitizer is safe to use on your hands. Be sure the alcohol is at least 70% isopropyl to effectively kill the virus.
Risks of Rubbing Alcohol
Harshness. Rubbing alcohol on its own can be harsh on the finishes of objects you apply it to. Depending on the item, it may cause damage to whatever you're trying to sterilize. It’s especially harmful to shellac, rubber, and plastic. And it’s best to not try to disinfect large areas of your body with rubbing alcohol. It can damage your skin cells. Better leave that uses to surgical professionals, who know how to use it without causing harm.
Flammability. If items soaked in alcohol make contact with a heat source, they can burst into flame. Only use and store rubbing alcohol in a well-ventilated area.
Poison. Make sure you keep your rubbing alcohol out of reach of children. Rubbing alcohol is colourless, and they may think it is water. But it is poisonous.
You should seek immediate medical attention for anyone who has swallowed rubbing alcohol.

Volume 50 ML, 100 ML, 200 ML, 500 ML, 1 L, 5 L
Brand N&C
Weight 100.00 G
Type Liquid

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