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First product image of MeGha Primal Intake Tablets

MeGha Primal Intake Tablets

Rs. 3,750.00

MeGha Primal Intake is one of the most popular food supplements in Sri Lanka.

SKU   : SKU00579
Category   : Herbal Medications

Quick facts

Megha Primal Intake (100% Natural Ingredients) - Wellness MeGha Primal Intake is a 100% natural food supplement invented to enhance immunity in the human body and contains no artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. It is manufactured in Sri Lanka in an ISO 22000 and GMP certified facility.
MeGha Primal Intake is developed with the aid of a diverse team of scientists and western doctors who have put in hours of research. According to the manufacture, this food supplement helps to combat Covid ` 19 symptoms. How does MeGha Primal Intake help` Covid ` 19 positive people ` Controls symptoms significantly within 3 doses Close contacts ` Prevents the infection and negative PCR and rapid antigen tests. Normal people ` Enhances the immunity of the human body and prevents virus infection Ingredients used to manufacture MeGha Primal Intake Ginger Garlic Coriander Holy Basil Sweet flag Malabar Nut

Volume NA
Brand MeGha
Weight 100.00 G
Type Tablets

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