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First product image of Glucon-D Tangy Orange Glucose Powder 125g

Glucon-D Tangy Orange Glucose Powder 125g

Rs. 219.00

The orange flavour of Glucon-D gives it a tangy flavour and makes it a perfect refreshing drink to fight the summer heat.

SKU   : SKU01541
Category   : General Healthy Needs

Quick facts

Glucon-D is one of the best glucose powders that is easily absorbed by the body to keep you charged and active during the screeching summers. If you are drained and tired by the summer heat, Glucon-D is here for your rescue. It is a refreshing glucose drink that provides instant energy to help pull yourself through the summer days. It contains Vitamin C and calcium to support your immunity and bone health.

Glucose, Sucrose

Volume 125 G
Brand Glucon-D
Weight 150.00 G
Type Powder

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