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First product image of Biobalance Body Whitening Cream 60ml

Biobalance Body Whitening Cream 60ml

Rs. 6,708.00

Visibly reduces dark spots and restores skin radiance. As more people discover bikini waxing, the more suffer from dark or discolored sensitive areas such as the bikini line or underarms.

SKU   : SKU00031
Category   : Face Care

Quick facts

This highly effective whitening formula fades dark spots on underarms, inner thigh, knees, elbows, or any part of the body where skin discolorations occur.
Niacinamide by inhibiting the transfer of the melanosomes to the surrounding keratinocytes up to 68% helps to reduce the dark spots and skin discolorations.
Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate) acts on the melanin formation process to prevent hyperpigmentation and senile keratosis.
Licorice root extract is able to inhibit tyrosinase act by modifying the action site of the enzyme, thus reducing its activity.
Antioxidant and Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that protects the skin from various harmful effects of the sun by acting as a free-radical scavenger.

Direction for use
After cleansing, gently massage evenly on affected areas on the body regularly twice a day. Its regular application is recommended to naturally fade away the appearance of dark spots and to obtain an even complexion.
Always apply sunscreen on the skin when it is exposed to the sun to prevent the darkening of existing spots and lessen the probability of having discolorations in the future. Re-apply it every two hours. Suitable for all skin types including dry, dehydrated, and oily skin due to its lightweight fast-absorbing texture. online pharmacy and island wide and worldwide shipping is available. – 24 hours open online pharmacy near your doorstep that you can purchase your prescription medicines by simply uploading or whatsapping your prescription to 077 5 667 667.
Volume 60 ML
Brand Biobalance
Weight 50.00 G
Type Cream

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