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First product image of Voltaren Emulgel 20g (Diclofenac)

Voltaren Emulgel 20g (Diclofenac)

Rs. 460.00

Voltaren Gel is a topical analgesic (pain killer) primarily taken to relieve acute musculoskeletal pain and pain of osteoarthritis of joints. It reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness thereby improving your ability to move and flex the joint.

SKU   : SKU00793, SKU00794
Category   : Pain Management

Quick facts

Voltaren Gel is a topical analgesic (pain killer) primarily taken to relieve acute musculoskeletal pain and pain of osteoarthritis of joints. It reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness thereby improving your ability to move and flex the joint.

Volume 20 G, 50 G
Brand Voltaren
Weight 30.00 G
Type Gel

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