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First product image of Vitavite Aplicapz Capsules 30s

Vitavite Aplicapz Capsules 30s

Rs. 4,300.00

VITAVITE is a triple action intensive whitening serum comprising of vitamin C derivative, vitamin E and Bisabolol that targets dark spots such as sun and age spots, acne marks, darkened pores to even out skin tone for a perfectly fair, attractive and bright looking skin.

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SKU   : SKU00888
Category   : Face Care

Quick facts

VITAVITE is a triple action intensive whitening serum comprising of vitamin C derivative, vitamin E and Bisabolol that targets dark spots such as sun and age spots, acne marks, darkened pores to even out skin tone for a perfectly fair, attractive and bright looking skin.

Volume 30 PC
Brand Vitavite
Weight 50.00 G
Type Capsules

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