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First product image of Vitalise Gold Children Multivitamin Syrup 200ml

Vitalise Gold Children Multivitamin Syrup 200ml

Rs. 1,100.00

Vitalise Gold is a Specialized Multivitamin Syrup for Children, enriched with Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, D, E, Lysine and Calcium.

SKU   : SKU00365, SKU00366
Category   : General Vitamins

Quick facts

Vitalise Gold is a sugar & alcohol-free syrup with a delicious orange flavour loved by the children.
Vitalise Gold is free from artificial flavours and also a Vitamin A free multivitamin syrup (to prevent hypervitaminosis of Vitamin A mega dose provided for children during the first trimester after birth.)
Vitamins of the B complex group play a part in metabolism of carbohydrate and branched chain amino acids. They have a vital role in the cellular oxidation and in the synthesis of DNA and fatty acids in myelin.
Vitamin C is essential for collagen formulation and tissue repair in the body. It is also involved in the utilization of carbohydrates, synthesis of lipids and proteins and the preservation of blood vessel integrity
Vitamin D plays an active role in mechanisms that control calcium metabolism and its deficiency could lead to inadequate absorption of calcium and phosphate which may result in rickets and osteocalcin.
L-Lysine is an amino acid which helps to boost hunger and aids in producing collagen, digestive enzymes, antibodies & hormones. Lysine helps in improving athletic performance as well.
Calcium helps to maintain strong bones and support in the smooth function of heart muscles and nerves.

Directions of use
1-12 years: 5ml (use measuring cup provided)
Adolescents: As recommended by the physician

Volume 200 ML, 100 ML
Brand Astron
Weight 300.00 G
Type Liquid

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