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First product image of Tranacix Cream 30g

Tranacix Cream 30g

Rs. 11,178.00

A revolutionary formula for skin tone imperfections

SKU   : SKU01320
Category   : Skin care

Quick facts

Plasmin, a kind of protease in the blood serum, functions to enhance the intracellular release of arachidonic acid, a precursor of prostanoid, and to elevate alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone processed from pro-opiomelanocortin. Both arachidonic acid and alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone can activate melanin synthesis by melanocytes. Therefore, the anti-plasmin activity of tranexamic acid is thought to play a role in its topical effectiveness for treating melasma.

3% Tranexamic acid.

Direction for use
On the perfectly clean skin apply TRANACIX Cream twice a day, in the morning and at night, on the considered areas. Slightly massage to make its absorption easier. Once perfectly absorbed, make up is possible.

Volume 30 G
Brand Tranacix
Weight 40.00 G
Type Cream

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