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First product image of Swastha Amurtha Tea Sachets 7s

Swastha Amurtha Tea Sachets 7s

Rs. 175.00

Swastha Amurtha is a combination of two herbs, specially prepared for frequent and convenient use.

SKU   : SKU00432
Category   : Healthy Drinks

Quick facts

Nelli (Phyllanthus emblica) and Rasakinda (Tinospora cordifolia) are two powerful medicinal herbs that have been used in Ayurveda as well as indigenous medicine for centuries.
In traditional Ayurveda as well as modern scientific research publications, medicinal qualities of these two plants are numerous, almost hard to believe.
For centuries, Nelli — Rasakinda combination has been used effectively in Ayurveda for cleansing the blood by removing the harmful products generated in the human body. According to modern research, Nelli — Rasakinda combination removes toxic free radicals generated by metabolism in cells and tissues, thereby cleansing the blood.
Burning sensation in the heels
Burning sensation in the eyes and the body Ailments in the urinary system
Excessive sweating and body odour
Pain in knees and ankles
Common skin conditions such as heat rash, rough skin, dry skin etc. resulting in a healthy skin
Direction for use
Dissolve the contents of one sachet of SWASTHA AMURTHA - in half a cup which equals 100ml of hot water. SWASTHA AMURTHA - can be taken by persons of any age group including children. For children below five years, use half a sachet.

Volume NA
Brand Link
Weight 100.00 G
Type Powder

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