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First product image of Pynocare Natural Depigmentation Capsule 20s

Pynocare Natural Depigmentation Capsule 20s

Rs. 5,520.00

Treatment of melasma and helps to reduce the intensity and size of irregular pigmentation of the skin and improves skin smoothness and elasticity.

SKU   : SKU00078
Category   : Skin Care Nutrition’s

Quick facts

Pigmentation resides deeper into the skin layer due to our hectic lifestyle and environmental factors, hence a successful treatment for pigmentation is a challenge. It takes great patience and discipline to manage pigmentation. Most importantly, a combination of internal supplements and a good external skincare regime or treatment helps to control the overproduction of melanin and speeds up the skin renewal process. Melasma is a skin condition presenting as brown patches on the face of adults. Both sides of the face are usually affected. A change in hormonal status, polluants or UV rays may trigger melasma. French maritime pine bark extract in Pynocare helps in decreasing the intensity of pigmentation. Besides this, it is also a powerful antioxidant. Pynocare also helps to prevent skin damage due to UV sunlight and other pollutants. Clinical study has shown that Pynocare can lighten dark spot-on facial skin and strengthening the skin structure. Pynocare provides a long-lasting solution for managing skin pigmentation problem, combats skin pigmentation at its roots

Direction for use
Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals online pharmacy and island wide and worldwide shipping is available. – 24 hours open online pharmacy near your doorstep that you can purchase your prescription medicines by simply uploading or whatsapping your prescription to 077 5 667 667.
Volume NA
Brand Mega
Weight 50.00 G
Type Capsule

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