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First product image of Polymycin Topical Ointment 5g

Polymycin Topical Ointment 5g

Rs. 245.00

The only topical ointment which contains the combination of antibiotics Oxytetracycline and Polymyxin B Sulphate.

SKU   : SKU00583
Category   : Simple Wound Care

Quick facts

Oxytetracycline is an antibiotic with primarily bacteriostatic and is thought to exert its antimicrobial effect by the inhibition of protein synthesis. Oxytetracycline is active against a wide range of gram–negative and gram-positive organisms.
Polymyxin b sulphate, one of a group of related antibiotics derived from Bacillus polymyxa, bactericidal. This action is exclusively against gram negative organisms. It is particularly effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
There is thus made available a particularly effective antimicrobial combination of the broad-spectrum antibiotic Oxytetracycline as well as Polymyxin B sulphate against primarily causative or secondarily infecting organisms. Indications
Indicated for the prophylaxis and topical treatment of localized cutaneous infections such as pyoderma, pustular dermatitis Infected minor wounds or burns due to susceptible microorganisms.
Direction for use
After the skin is cleansed gently and thoroughly, the preparation is applied directly to the affected area by means of a sterile gauze. This procedure should be repeated at least 2 or 3 times daily/ or as directed by the physician.

Volume 5 G
Brand Astron
Weight 10.00 G
Type Cream

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