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First product image of Ortho Shield-Joint Pain-Relieving Lotion 50ml

Ortho Shield-Joint Pain-Relieving Lotion 50ml

Rs. 2,910.00

A specifically balanced combination of natural compounds, ORTHO-SHIELD has strong analgesic effects.

SKU   : SKU01545
Category   : Pain Management

Quick facts

A precisely balanced combination of natural substances, ORTHO-SHIELD has strong analgesic effects. It improves the absorption of active herbal ingredients, which effectively calms and relieves sore muscles and joints over time. With its quick alleviation and smoother experience, this product makes sure people live life to the fullest. Ortho Shield relieves pain and encourages a calming impact on aching joints and muscles by activating the nerves. It eases any stiffness or pain-related discomfort by smoothing these regions. Because of the lotion's special qualities, people might enjoy immediate alleviation, which increases comfort and improves mobility.

Cocos nucifera oil, Aloe vera, Menta piperita, Gaultheria fragrantissime oil, Piper nigrum oil, Capsicum annuum

Direction for use
Clean the affected area with warm water and apply the lotion twice a day.

Volume 50 ML
Brand Ortho Shield
Weight 250.00 G
Type Liquid

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