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First product image of Orofer Drop 15ml (Vitamin Iron)

Orofer Drop 15ml (Vitamin Iron)

Rs. 426.43

Orofer Drop contains 'Iron' an essential body mineral and nutritional supplement required for the formation of the red blood cells to carry oxygen to other body cells and tissues.

SKU   : SKU00409
Category   : Kids nutrition’s

Quick facts

Orofer Drop belongs to a class of 'haematinics' primarily used to treat anaemia. Iron deficiency occurs mainly due to poor diet, poor absorption of food or increased folate use in the body (during pregnancy). Anaemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough red blood cells for carrying the adequate oxygen required to various body tissues.
Your doctor will decide the dosage based on your medical condition. In some cases, it may cause side effects like constipation, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, dark stools, loss of appetite, and upset stomach. Most of these side effects of Orofer Drop do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if these side effects persist longer, please consult your doctor.
Directions of use
Your doctor will decide the dosage based on the severity of your medical condition. Measure the liquid form of Orofer Drop with a measuring dropper and take it as advised by the doctor.

Volume 15 ML
Brand Orofer
Weight 50.00 G
Type Liquid

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