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First product image of Nutricoat Advance Skin Tonic for Dogs & Cats 200g

Nutricoat Advance Skin Tonic for Dogs & Cats 200g

Rs. 2,600.00

Nutricoat Advance syrup is a skin tonic for dogs and cats. It improves skin health, coat color, appearance and reduces the occurrence of dermatological problems.

SKU   : SKU00238, SKU00239
Category   : Pets’ nutrition’s

Quick facts

Useful for maintaining healthy skin.
Maintains coat.
Prevents from skin infections
Balances metabolism of your pet

Each 5 gm contains:
Linolenic acid, Linoleic acid, and Oleic acid: 3000 mg
Lecithin:50 mg
Vitamin B6: 400 mcg
Vitamin A: 1000 IU
Vitamin E:10 IU
Vitamin D3: 100 IU
Zinc: 4.5 mg
Selenium: 0.2 mcg
Biotin (Vitamin H): 45 mcg

Directions of Use

•Dogs:5 gm/day
•Pregnant/Nursing dogs : 10 gm/day
•For dogs & cats : 0.5 ml/kg body weight /Day
•Or as directed by veterinarian

Pour directly into the mouth or mashed into the food.
Shake the container well before use. Store in a cool dark place. online pharmacy and island wide and worldwide shipping is available. – 24 hours open online pharmacy near your doorstep that you can purchase your prescription medicines by simply uploading or whatsapping your prescription to 077 5 667 667.
Volume 200 ML, 400 ML
Brand Nutricoat
Weight 300.00 G
Type Liquid

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