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First product image of Nephrisol D Vanilla 210g

Nephrisol D Vanilla 210g

Rs. 3,750.00

Nephrisol-D is a specialized nutrition formulated to meet the requirements for those with renal insufficiency in the dialysis stage, to replenish protein loss during dialysis and prevent malnutrition.
Nephrisol D Vanilla Low GI 210 grams High Protein Milk (3 x 185 grams)

SKU   : SKU01739
Category   : Nutritional milk powders

Quick facts

Nephrisol-D is a specialized nutrition formulated to meet the requirements for those with renal insufficiency in the dialysis stage, to replenish protein loss during dialysis and prevent malnutrition.
Nephrisol-D contains a high protein amount, complete with 9 essential amino acids (High Biological ValueProtein), completed with 12 vitamins, 8 minerals, and lactose-free.


Maltodextrin, sucrose, vegetable oil, whey protein concentrate, amino acids, calcium caseinate, flavors, sucralose, vitamins, and minerals.


To fulfill nutrient requirements CKD patients in the dialysis stage to replenish protein loss during dialysis and prevent malnutrition.



Packaging and Flavor

1 box contains 185 grams of nutrition powder with Vanilla flavor. 1 box is available for 3 servings.

1 serving size consists of 4 scoops (61 grams).

Dosage Recommendation

2 servings per day in between meals (between breakfast and lunch then between lunch and dinner). online pharmacy and island wide and worldwide shipping is available. – 24 hours open online pharmacy near your doorstep that you can purchase your prescription medicines by simply uploading or whatsapping your prescription to 077 5 667 667.

Volume 210 G
Brand Nephrisol
Weight 500.00 G
Type Powder

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