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First product image of Mesoestetic Ultimate W+ Whitening Spot Eraser 15ml

Mesoestetic Ultimate W+ Whitening Spot Eraser 15ml

Rs. 15,950.00

Treatment of skin presenting alterations in pigmentation and discolorations such as melasma, hyperpigmentation, liver and age spots as well as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

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SKU   : SKU00330
Category   : Face Care

Quick facts

Ultra-concentrated treatment with whitening effect recommended for local action on hyperpigmentation of face, neck, and hands. The [meso]white complex combined with glycolic acid attenuates the intensity and size and progressively eliminates dark spots. At the same time, it has a keratolytic action which helps to stimulate cellular renewal, smoothing out the skin tone and preventing the appearance of further excess pigmentation. The format with an applicator allows accurate distribution of the product.

[meso]white complex
Glycolic acid
Lepidium sativum extract

Directions of Use
Press lightly to release the product and apply morning and night, directly on the area to treat, with gentle circular massage until totally absorbed.

Volume 15 ML
Brand Mesoestetic
Weight 50.00 G
Type Cream

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