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First product image of Mesoestetic Resurfacing Peel Booster 50ml

Mesoestetic Resurfacing Peel Booster 50ml

Rs. 11,950.00

Retexturizing and anti-aging gel for oily, acne-prone, seborrheic and blemished skins.

SKU   : SKU00326
Category   : Face Care

Quick facts

Non-oily retexturizing, antiaging gel. A formula combining the exfoliating and regenerating properties of glycolic acid and the highly keratolytic, sebum-controlling effects of the salicylic acid. Eliminates impurities and dead cells, normalising excess sebum.
resurfacing peel booster stimulates cell renewal mechanisms and activates collagen and elastin synthesis, improving elasticity and reducing wrinkles. Perfects the skin surface and reduces the size of the pores for a visibly clearer, more glowing, matt complexion.

Glycolic acid
Salicylic acid

Directions of Use
Apply at night to clean, dry skin on the face, neck and neckline, avoiding the eye contour. A slight tingling sensation may occur during application. Do not apply to wounds and/or irritated skin.

Volume 50 ML
Brand Mesoestetic
Weight 50.00 G
Type Liquid

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