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First product image of Littmann classic iii stethoscope 5621

Littmann classic iii stethoscope 5621

Rs. 44,900.00

Littmann classic iii stethoscope 5621 - Standard Chest piece, GRAY Tube. This model constitutes the first important upgrade in Littmann stethoscopes in the past 18 years.

SKU   : SKU01526
Category   : Cardiovascular instruments

Quick facts

Classic iii stethoscope brings new features in the design and technology used in Littmann stethoscopes, with double-sided chest piece, double diaphragm, and improved tubing, while it retains the best characteristics of the traditional models. The acoustic sensitivity has been further increased with a complete redesign of the tubing that are now capable of transporting sound with higher efficiency.
Classic iii Features

  • Tenable diaphragms on both the adult and paediatric sides of the chest piece. The paediatric side is useful for small or thin patients, around bandages, and for carotid assessment.
  • Paediatric side converts to an open bell. Just remove the single-piece diaphragm and replace it with a non-chill rim.
  • Open bell stays clear of dirt and debris by covering it with the small diaphragm.
  • Next-generation tubing with improved resistance to skin oils and alcohol; less likely to pick up stains.
  • Single-piece diaphragm is easy to attach and easy to clean because the surface is smooth without crevices.
  • No natural rubber latex or phthalate plasticizers are used in the tubing or any other component.

Volume 1 PC
Brand Littmann
Weight 800.00 G
Type Device

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