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First product image of Lia Aloe Body Gel 100ml

Lia Aloe Body Gel 100ml

Rs. 771.00

Ayurveda refers to aloe Vera as the miracle herb that can be used to treat wounds, minor cuts, dry skin and severe burns.

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SKU   : SKU00540
Category   : Body Care

Quick facts

Ayurveda refers to aloe Vera as the miracle herb that can be used to treat wounds, minor cuts, dry skin and severe burns.

Olive oil is closer in chemical structure to the skin’s natural oil than any other naturally occurring oil thus oil has regenerative power over skin tissue and thus regular usage ensures that your skin remains soft and smooth while keeping it toned and firmed. Almond oil is one of the best oils for skin care. It has got lots of nutrients and beneficial properties which make it such a powerful cosmetic ingredient

Aloe Vera , Olive Oil , Almond Oil
Direction for use
Apply gently on thoroughly cleaned area of body. For best result use 2 to 3 times per day.

Volume 100 ML
Brand Lia
Weight 120.00 G
Type Liquid

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