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First product image of Genové Pilopeptan Intensive Sachets 30s

Genové Pilopeptan Intensive Sachets 30s

Rs. 6,990.00

Intensive food supplement specifically formulated for hair and nails

SKU   : SKU01469
Category   : Skin Care Nutrition’s

Quick facts

Pilopeptan Intensive has been exclusively designed to keep hair and nails in a healthy condition.
Provides greater absorption and tolerability of vitamins and minerals.
Hair loss is influenced by many factors, including genetic predisposition, hormonal disorders, hostile external conditions (changes in season), internal physiological changes (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause), etc., all of which may disrupt the normal intake of nutrients. Pilopeptan Intensive provides the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals for hair and nails. A liquid food supplement based around Vitamins B5 and B6, Zinc and Hydrolysed gelatine. Pilopeptan Intensive's zinc helps keep hair and nails health. Proper intake of Vitamin B6 contributes to the normal synthesis of amino acids, for the upkeep of hair and nails.


  • Vitamins B5 and B6
  • Hydrolysed gelatine
  • Zinc

Direction for use
Take 1 sachet of Pilopeptan Intensive per day with breakfast, for two weeks to 1 month.

Volume 30 PC
Brand Genové
Weight 500.00 G
Type Powder

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