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First product image of Genové Pilopeptan Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo 250ml

Genové Pilopeptan Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo 250ml

Rs. 5,990.00

Daily use shampoo with anti-hair loss agents. Frequent use.

SKU   : SKU01463
Category   : Hair care

Quick facts

With its 4 active ingredients, Pilopeptan Hair Loss Shampoo stimulates the anginous phase of hair growth, increasing the flow of blood to the hair so that its active ingredients can reach the hair follicle and prepare the scalp for the penetration of the anti-hair loss treatment agents.
Its sulphate-free composition contains agents that, in addition to protecting the hair, give it glossiness, strength and vitality.

Agent made up of peptides, fruit extracts and tea tree extracts that energise the hair follicles due to their great antioxidant properties.
Hydrolysed keratin. Stimulates micro-circulation, helping hair growth.
Polyquaternium 7 and panthenol (Vitamin B5): agents that protect, give gloss and condition the hair.

Direction for use
Apply to wet scalp, massaging with circular movements to remove dirt. Rinse and repeat, massaging again and leave to act for a few minutes. Rinse with plentiful water.

Volume 250 ML
Brand Genové
Weight 400.00 G
Type Liquid

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