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First product image of Genové  Fluidbase Retinol + Vit C Facial Care 30ml

Genové Fluidbase Retinol + Vit C Facial Care 30ml

Rs. 8,790.00

An anti-aging hydrating treatment that enhances collagen synthesis and repairs cells.

SKU   : SKU01472
Category   : Skin care

Quick facts

It is a microencapsulated retinol-based facial cream that improves the elasticity of the skin and the thickness of the epidermis, visibly decreasing the depth of fine wrinkles on the face. Its formula is rich in hyaluronic acid that allows the skin to hydrate, making it look younger, smoother and brighter. It is an anti-aging cream suitable for all skin types.

Direction for use
Fluidbase Retinol should be applied to a clean face twice by gently massaging the most affected areas to promote the absorption of the cream and the correct release of vitamin A.

Volume 30 ML
Brand Genové
Weight 50.00 G
Type Cream

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