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First product image of Fadna Tummy Herbal Tea 20s

Fadna Tummy Herbal Tea 20s

Rs. 975.00

Tummy tea consists of an ancient ayurvedic formula to reduce the bulging effect of the stomach and soothe bowel disorders such as constipation, gastritis, bowel inflammation and irritation that would result in major discomfort.

SKU   : SKU00418
Category   : Herbal Tea

Quick facts

Tummy tea consists of a traditionally accepted formula designed to reduce bloated stomach and regain proper abdominal shape. This tea is ideal to cater proper food digestion, while reducing fat absorption and abdominal discomfort.
The interdependent action of the enzymes used in Tummy Tea, acts in 3 easy steps. Firstly, it helps soothe abdominal discomfort caused due to intestinal gas expelling action, bloating of stomach and bowel irregularities. Thereafter, this concoction act as a gentle bowel tonic which helps break food particles and ease digestion, while also inhibiting fat deposition. Thirdly, it starts burning the excess fat, causing the stomach to gain its perfect shape through the dissolution of fat by the use of 100% natural ingredients.
This formula is prepared with no added preservatives and its safeness and efficacy is preserved during the production process, in order to help you achieve great abdominal shape.

  • Triphala (Terminalia Chebula, Terminalia bellirica, Phyllanthus emblica)
  • Hemidesmus indicus (a.k.a. Indian sarsaparilla)
  • Aegle marmelos
  • Asteracantha longifolia
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra

Directions for use
Drinking Tummy tea twice a day is recommended. Its effectiveness is proven when consumed on an empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed, in order to facilitate maximum absorption.

Volume 20 PC
Brand Fadna
Weight 200.00 G
Type Powder

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