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First product image of Fadna Ranawara Herbal Tea 10s

Fadna Ranawara Herbal Tea 10s

Rs. 240.00

Ranawara Tea is an ayurvedic herbal drink that has been consumed for generations in order to live a long and healthy life. This tea is an excellent addition for people who have sugar problems. Furthermore, Ranawara Tea can help to regulate body temperature, manage body odour by eliminating toxins, and restore energy.

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SKU   : SKU00421
Category   : Herbal Tea

Quick facts

Ranawara (Cassia auriculata) is an herbal ayurvedic drink used traditionally over generations. It is a caffeine-free herbal drink, that has been used as a powerful anti-oxidant in Sri Lanka’s indigenous medicine.
Ranawara tea is most popular to control sugar disorders and soothe body aches and pain. Moreover, this tea is more often served to regulate body heat and cool the system from within. Regular usage of Ranawara tea can help eliminate toxins and bad odour, while restoring sexual vitality.
Fadna, has managed to bring this goodness of nature through a lively cup of tea to restore and refresh yourself from a weary day of work.
Cassia auriculata (Ranawara)
Directions for use
This has been a tea that our ancestors woke up to every morning and is said to have an impact on the long, healthy lives they lived. Since the extracts are added into a simple tea bag, the preparation process is being simplified. This tea has no side effects, as it is 100% natural with no added preservatives. Hence, can be consumed at time of the day.

Volume 10 PC
Brand Fadna
Weight 100.00 G
Type Powder

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