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First product image of Fadna Immunni Herbal Tea 20s

Fadna Immunni Herbal Tea 20s

Rs. 570.00

'Immunni tea' is a 100 percent herbal blend that strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to disease-causing bacteria that can decrease our defences when we are stressed.

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SKU   : SKU00419
Category   : Herbal Tea

Quick facts

Immunni tea is specially designed to strengthen the immune system, in order to fight common diseases such as cough, cold, fever etc. This traditional herbal formula is capable of building body’s resistance against common ailments; while also reducing the effects caused by stress that could weaken our immune system.
This refreshing solution is 100% natural and is embedded with the goodness of ayurvedic herbs such as Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Coriander (Coriandrum sativum), Thippili (Piper longum), Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Senehekola (Cassia senna), Rasakinda (Tinospora cordifolia), Black Pepper (Piper nigrum), Nelli (Phyllanthus emblica), Gotukola (Centella asiatica) & Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Here, at Fadna we have concentrated on bringing the goodness of these herbs in the form of a tea bag, by giving it a unique flavour.
Directions for use
Immunni tea can be easily prepared, by adding a sachet to boiling water. We advise both adults and children, to drink a cup of immunni tea at any given time of the day. Practicing this habit on a regular basis, will strengthen the immune system in the long run and prevent sicknesses taking over your daily chores.

Volume 20 PC
Brand Fadna
Weight 200.00 G
Type Powder

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