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First product image of Fadna Diabe Herbal Tea 20s

Fadna Diabe Herbal Tea 20s

Rs. 570.00

Fadna Diabe tea is specially formulated to control sugar disorders and thereby reduce the risk of any complications arising based on same. This tea is enriched with the goodness of Black tea; which is rich in flavonoids and is a great anti-oxidant that regulates the speed of glucose added to blood.

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SKU   : SKU00427
Category   : Herbal Tea

Quick facts

Researches have been done by the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medical Science- University of Jayawardenapura on the hypoglycaemic and toxicity effects of Diabe tea on humans and has been proven to be safe for consumption on a daily basis.
Moreover, Diabe tea comprises with the goodness of many ancient herbs that has been trusted to control high blood sugar levels over generations. It includes herbal ingredients like – Triphala (Termanialia chebula- Aralu, Terminalia belerica –Bulu, Phyllanthus emblica– Nelli), Scorpia dulcis (Wal-koththamalli) and Camelia sinensis- (Black tea); that is being used greatly in the natural science of indigenous medicine. Hence, it is a refreshing cup of tea for those suffering with diabetics.
Directions for use
The maximum benefit of this tea, could be reaped by consuming it without any additives such as milk or sugar 3 times a day before meals. It is also important to note that tea itself is not a magical cure for diabetes and one must engage in physical fitness and maintain a healthy diet to keep the sugar level under control.

Volume 20 PC
Brand Fadna
Weight 200.00 G
Type Powder

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