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First product image of Fadna Belimal Herbal Tea 10s

Fadna Belimal Herbal Tea 10s

Rs. 300.00

Belimal tea is a traditional drink that is being used to soothe bowel irregularities and improve digestion. Belimal tea can help alleviate fatigue and harmful toxins from the body, which in turn will purify the blood and promote body’s cooling effect.

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SKU   : SKU00422
Category   : Herbal Tea

Quick facts

In ancient times sun dried Beli flowers were brewed in hot water and consumed on a daily basis to alleviate fatigue. This process has now been made easier by the provision of this miracle formula in a sachet. Hence, regular usage of this caffeine-free herbal drink, would refresh the body after a tiring day of work.
Belimal Tea is a great supplement for regular tea. Hence, this tea could be consumed frequently with no health hazards, as it helps with the safe elimination of toxins and improve skin complexion.
This is being used in Ayurvedic medicine due to its anti-oxidative and anti-cancer properties and is being added to our herbal tea range, for a better tea experience.
Directions for use
This Belimal tea can be consumed as you wish throughout the day, and would be a better supplement than consuming regular tea.

Volume 10 PC
Brand Fadna
Weight 100.00 G
Type Powder

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