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First product image of Eventone C Skin Lightening Body Milk 150ml

Eventone C Skin Lightening Body Milk 150ml

Rs. 7,500.00

l-glutathione, vitamin c, and kojic acid in Eventone-c skin lightening body milk lightens, nourishes, and rejuvenates skin in underarms, neck, and intimate areas.

SKU   : SKU00870
Category   : Body Care

Quick facts

These aids in the whitening and nourishing of the skin, resulting in a healthy balance and a bright shine. It contains Body Milk Protein and L-Glutathione, which assist to brighten, nourish, and rejuvenate the skin. Vitamin C's magical antioxidant power protects and efficiently enhances overall skin tone, while Collagen stimulates synthesis and promotes cell regeneration. This will leave your skin glowing, white, and silky. Non-greasy and quickly absorbed.

Volume 150 ML
Brand Eventone
Weight 200.00 G
Type Liquid

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