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First product image of Eva Cotton Heavy Flow Wings Napkins 8s

Eva Cotton Heavy Flow Wings Napkins 8s

Rs. 300.00

Newly improved with an additional Antibacterial layer enhanced with green tea extract to prevent bacterial growth, control odour & maximize absorbency, Eva Cotton Feel Heavy Flow napkins provide you with all-day freshness and comfort. Ideal for those with a heavy flow, this napkin is longer in length to provide you with maximum protection and comfort along with wider wings and a super soft feel!

SKU   : SKU00473
Category   : Hygiene care

Quick facts

We are all wonderfully unique, which is why our broad range of personal hygiene care products has something for everyone! With an array of sanitary pads to suit different skin types and flows, the Eva Cotton Feel Napkin range is specifically designed to keep you comfortable throughout the day while the Eva Dritex range with its dry weave layer offers a superior smooth and dry feel. Our premium and daily ranges include ultra-thin pads, panty liners and so much more!

Volume 8 PC
Brand EVA
Weight 100.00 G
Type Device

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