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First product image of ENO Fruit Salt 5g Sachet Orange (Antacid)

ENO Fruit Salt 5g Sachet Orange (Antacid)

Rs. 65.00

When heartburn spoils your day, ENO Fruit Salt is your ally against acidity.

SKU   : SKU00442
Category   : General Gastro Care

Quick facts

Svarjiksara (Shudh), Nimbukamlam (Shushkam). Eno Flavours may also contain appropriate colour, flavour and/or sodium saccharine and the same have been indicated on label, as appropriate.
Directions for use
Dissolve one sachet of ENO, or one teaspoon of powder (5 gm) in a glass of water (150 ml) and drink up. It is recommended to consume ENO as soon as it has completely dissolved in the water.
Eno powder is indicated for adults and children aged 12 years and above Minimum dosing interval: 2 hours.
Do not take this medicine for more than 14 days
In case of overdose, consult a doctor
Consult your doctor if symptoms persist or worsen
ENO reduces acidity in your stomach, and may interfere with the absorption of other medicines.
Please consult your doctor for possible drug interactions
Keep out of reach of children
Do not exceed the maximum dose of 2 sachets/teaspoons a day
If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before taking ENO
ENO may cause belching, gas, abdominal distension, and mild gastrointestinal irritation
Do not take ENO if you have any of the following conditions: High blood pressure, Liver, heart and kidney problems, On a low-sodium diet, Allergic to any ingredients in ENO
Read label for additional information before using ENO

Volume NA
Brand ENO
Weight 10.00 G
Type Powder

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