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First product image of Disposable KF94 Face Mask Black

Disposable KF94 Face Mask Black

Rs. 100.00

KF94 masks, like N95 masks, contain an adjustable bridge that functions to provide a snug fit across the bridge of your nose. They also include side flaps to help you shape your face.

SKU   : SKU00894
Category   : Protections suits & covers

Quick facts

KF94 masks are similar, except they provide 94% filtration. There isn't much of a difference between 94 and 95% filtration, and the fit is a crucial component in how effective these masks are. KF94 masks are also different in shape than N95 masks. According to the manufacturers, it has a boat-style design with a wide band that wraps around the centre of the mask. N95 masks, on the other hand, are either cup or duckbill form. Because of its design, the KF94 mask hits a significantly wider range of faces.

Volume 1 PC
Brand NA
Weight 10.00 G
Type Device

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