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First product image of Cipla ZerostatVT Spacer

Cipla ZerostatVT Spacer

Rs. 2,239.00

For use with your Cipla metered dose inhaler

SKU   : SKU01078
Category   : Nasal Drops

Quick facts

ZerostatVT spacer is a unique static free transparent spacer with a valve mechanism which increases the drug fraction reaching the lungs. It is both a spacer (extends the space between the inhaler and the mouth) as well as a holding chamber (acts as a reservoir where the actuated aerosol cloud can be held prior to inhalation). It has all the features which a spacer should ideally have i.e., static free, transparent, flow gate valve, shape of an aerosol plume and volume 250-300 ml. Transparent ZerostatVT spacer is designed to provide visual confirmation that the dose is delivered. ZerostatVT spacer ensures that patient receives a high and consistent quantity of medication dose after dose. The time available for inhalation is prolonged by using polyamide, which is a static free material. Unidirectional flow from the holding chamber is achieved by using a one-way valve.

Volume 1 PC
Brand Cipla
Weight 400.00 G
Type Device

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