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First product image of Chandanalepa Herbal Cream 20g

Chandanalepa Herbal Cream 20g

Rs. 320.00

It moisturizes, Nourishes your skin while giving a golden complexion, healthy and beautiful look.

SKU   : SKU01186, SKU01187, SKU01188
Category   : Face Care

Quick facts

New Improved Chandanalepa Herbal Cream is incorporates the essence and fragrance of Sandalwood, Pure Sandalwood Oil, Venivel (Yellow vine), Kokun Bark, Suwanda Kottan, Indian Turmeric, Velmadata and other high valuable indigenous Ayurvedic drugs to bring you a unique cream for beautiful skin and complexion. It can protect your skin from high exposure to sunlight or extreme cold. Keeps skin healthy by removing dryness and act effectively against mycoses, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, spots, discoloring and darkening. It moisturizes, Nourishes your skin while giving a golden complexion, healthy and beautiful look.

Direction for use
Can apply at any time of the day for face and body after cleansing your skin.

Volume 20 G, 40 G, 60 G
Brand Chandanalepa
Weight 30.00 G
Type Cream

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