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First product image of Chandanalepa Charcoal Deep Cleansing Bar 100g

Chandanalepa Charcoal Deep Cleansing Bar 100g

Rs. 330.00

Chandanalepa Charcoal Deep Cleansing Facial Soap produced with activated charcoal derived from 100% natural coconut shells, absorbs toxins and removes impurities and excess oils from skin.

SKU   : SKU01194
Category   : Body Care

Quick facts

This unique product also detoxes the skin with its natural healing properties for acne, eczema and similar ailments afflicting sensitive skin. The bouquet of blended ayurvedic herbs removes dead skin cells, while nourishing the skin with each wash. Added natural Orange Oil ensures that skin stays healthy adding a clear radiance and smooth feel. Chandanalepa Charcoal Deep Cleansing Facial Soap is also ideal for makeup removal.

Volume 100 G
Brand Chandanalepa
Weight 120.00 G
Type Soap

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