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First product image of C-Tab Tablets 500s (Vitamin C 100mg)

C-Tab Tablets 500s (Vitamin C 100mg)

Rs. 615.00

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is used to prevent or treat low levels of vitamin C in people who do not get enough of the vitamin from their diets.

SKU   : SKU00437
Category   : General Vitamins

Quick facts

Most people who eat a normal diet do not need extra ascorbic acid. Low levels of vitamin C can result in a condition called scurvy. Scurvy may cause symptoms such as rash, muscle weakness, joint pain, tiredness, or tooth loss. Vitamin C plays an important role in the body. It is needed to maintain the health of skin, cartilage, teeth, bone, and blood vessels. It is also used to protect your body's cells from damage. It is known as an antioxidant.
Direction of use
Take this vitamin by mouth with or without food, usually 1 to 3 times daily. Follow all directions on the product package, or take as directed by your doctor.

Volume NA
Brand C tab
Weight 300.00 G
Type Tablets

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