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First product image of Borax Glycerin Lotion 28ml

Borax Glycerin Lotion 28ml

Rs. 130.00

Glycerine of Borax is a lubricant and moisturiser used for skin surfaces affected by skin disease. It treats gum diseases, increased eye pressure, eczema.

SKU   : SKU00653
Category   : Surgical applications

Quick facts

It is commonly used for the diagnosis or treatment of dry or flaky skin, eczema, foot fungus. It has some side effects such as Burning sensation, Abdominal cramps, Bowel irritation, Allergic reaction. The salts Borax, Glycerin is involved in the preparation of Borax Glycerin Lotion.

Direction for use
Use this product as directed. Some products require priming before use. Follow all directions on the product package. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Volume 28 ML
Brand NandC
Weight 50.00 G
Type Liquid

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