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First product image of Beautine Advanced Skin Nail Hair care Capsules 30s

Beautine Advanced Skin Nail Hair care Capsules 30s

Rs. 3,390.00

Beautine Advanced contains only nutritional ingredients, which have been thoroughly tested and evaluated, using the latest scientific, research techniques, It works by delivering nourishment through the bloodstream at the very deepest level for the dermal layer of the skin, hair follicles and nail beds.

SKU   : SKU00060
Category   : Skin Care Nutrition’s

Quick facts

Formulated based on a renowned international formula, Healing Herbs Beautine Advanced capsules consist of unique and powerful antioxidants, natural proanthocyanins, natural carotenoids and essential vitamins & minerals that are combined to nourish and protect you from harmful free radicals and provide essential micronutrients to support, repair and rejuvenate your skin, hair and nails. An outstanding daily dose of 350 mg of proanthocyanins equal to 218 black grapes is proven to protect you from sun damage and slow aging to help you regain and maintain beautiful younger skin, radiant and youthful appearance
For hair: Reduces hair fall & thinning of hair, promotes hair growth, makes your hair shiny, thick and lustrous.
For skin: protects from harmful sun rays, improves skin color and brightness, effective against discolored skin, pigmentation, wrinkles, rough skin, sagging skin and large pores, improves skin moisture and elasticity,
For nails: Effective against brittle nails, discolored nails and improve strength of nails
For whole body: with strong antioxidants, Beautine Advanced fights against free radicals while improving the total cell health for a healthier self.

Direction for use
One capsule, twice daily (two capsules a day) with or after main meals, or as directed by your medical practitioner. Taking your Beautine Advanced with a main meal will improve nutrient absorption online pharmacy and island wide and worldwide shipping is available. – 24 hours open online pharmacy near your doorstep that you can purchase your prescription medicines by simply uploading or whatsapping your prescription to 077 5 667 667.
Volume NA
Brand Astron
Weight 100.00 G
Type Capsules

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