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First product image of Advanced Weight Gainer Milk Powder 500g

Advanced Weight Gainer Milk Powder 500g

Rs. 5,150.00

Advanced Weight Gainer is a high protein, calorie-dense nutritional supplement designed specifically for healthy weight gain. Advanced Weight Gainer contains high-quality proteins and is fortified with nutrients such as Arginine, Glutamine, and Lysine to promote weight gain.

SKU   : SKU00028
Category   : Mass Gaining Vitamins

Quick facts

Simply increasing your calorie intake to gain weight may not be enough. Protein is important in the weight-gaining process, especially in countries where carbohydrate-rich foods are the norm. As a result, Advanced Weight Gainer (AWG) is a high protein formula (34 percent).
Underweight can be associated with underlying issues such as poor appetite, absorption issues, and so on, which may go unnoticed. To address these issues, AWG is fortified with Lysine to stimulate appetite and Glutamate to maintain the integrity of the gastro intestine, allowing for better nutrient absorption.

  • Hard gainers
  • Under-weight malnourished individuals
  • Weight loss due to acute/chronic illnesses
  • Cancer cachexia (weight loss due to Cancer)
  • Fitness enthusiasts
  • Appropriate for children from 2 years and above

Full Cream Milk Powder, Skim Milk Powder, Sodium Caseinate, Maltodextrin, Lysine hydrochloride, Calcium Carbonate, Vanilla Flavour.
Direction for use
Add 4 tablespoons (40 g) of Advanced Weight Gainer powder to a glass/container. Measure 225ml of lukewarm water and add a small amount to the powder and stir well to make a smooth paste. Top up with the remaining water and mix well to prepare 250 ml reconstituted serving.
For children (2 years and above), use 2 tablespoons & prepare as described above, using 110 ml of lukewarm water.
NOTE: Adding to different food preparations (i.e., Cereals, Fruit mixtures, Smoothies, etc.) also possible online pharmacy and island wide and worldwide shipping is available. – 24 hours open online pharmacy near your doorstep that you can purchase your prescription medicines by simply uploading or whatsapping your prescription to 077 5 667 667.
Volume 500 G
Brand Astron
Weight 600.00 G
Type Powder

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